Centre of the German Baroque par excellence, Dresden's highlights include the magnificent palatial buildings around the Theaterplatz and the Brühl Terraces, and the many art treasures at the state museums. Today, Dresden offers a unique blend of stunning architecture, world-famous art collections and living traditions in both music and the fine arts - plus the great natural beauty of the countryside along the Elbe river, dotted with wonderful castles and villas.
DWT / Foto Berthold
Rebuilding of the Frauenkirche: The Church of Our Lady is due to be finished and ready for use by 2004, complete with the interior cupola. The exterior cupola, known as the "stone bell", will be completed in time for Dresden's 800th anniversary celebrations in 2006.
Zwinger Palace: The most important late Baroque building in Germany.
Semper Opera House: Modelled after the late Renaissance style, this opulently decorated structure is one of the most important theatre buildings of the 19th century.
Catholic Cathedral (Hofkirche): Baroque church with magnificent interior and Silbermann organ.
Schloss Pillnitz: Highlight of Saxon palace architecture, built for Prince Elector August the Strong.
Sächsische Dampfschifffahrtgesellschaft: The Saxon Steamship Company operates the biggest and oldest paddle-steamer fleet in the world, with eight lovingly-restored ships.
Äussere Neustadt: The "New Town” across the river from the Old Town is literally the other side of Dresden. Colourful and lively, full of "in” pubs and clubs and with many beautiful Industrial Revolution period houses.
The world’s most beautiful milk shop: Bautzner Strasse 79, a treat for gourmets and a feast for the eyes, with magnificent historical décor.
DWT / Foto Dittrich
Tips for Art-Lovers
The Green Vault in the Albertinum – Europe’s greatest jewellery treasure-house with a wealth of masterpieces from the Renaissance and the Baroque. Works in gold and ivory, gemstones, bronze statuettes and much more besides.
The Old Masters Gallery in the Zwinger Palace with many works by Rafael (Sixtine Madonna), Titian, Rembrandt, Rubens, Ver-meer, Cranach, Dürer and French artists.
Gallery of 19th and 20th Century Painters in the Albertinum, incl. the main works by the German romantics Caspar David Friedrich, Carl Gustav Carus and Ludwig Richter. Large collection of German Impressionists.
Die Brücke in Dresden – special exhibition at the Gallery of 19th and 20th Century Painters (Dresde-ner Schloss), 22 Oct 2001 – 06 Jan 2002. Die Brücke, an artists’ organisation
established in Dresden in 1905, marked the birth of Expressionism in Germany. Now, nearly a hundred years later, this comprehensive collection of the works produced in Dresden up to 1911 can be seen for the very first time together in the place where they were painted.
DWT / Foto Dittrich
Young People
Neustadt (New Town) – The Neustadt on the other side of the river, not far from the Baroque magnificence in the historical city centre, is one of the live-liest "in” quarters in eastern Germany. The narrow streets are full of pubs, restaurants, bars and clubs with something for everyone – original, offbeat, Indian, gay, jazz, blues and everything in between.
Elbwiesen (Elbe Meadows) – The meadows on both sides of the river are a popular meeting-place in hot weather.
Night Skates – From April to October around 3,000 skaters meet every Friday evening for a night-time tour of Dresden, on varying routes.
Climbing – Swiss Saxony, one of Germany’s most varied climbing grounds, lies just 30 kilometres south-west of Dresden.
DWT / Foto Berthold
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Festivals & Events
Black Forest Open-Air Museum 24 March onwards
Find out all about life and work in the Black Forest over the last 400 years. As well as the farmhouses that represent all the regions in the Black Forest, the museum also has animals, craft demonstrations and activity days for people of all ages. The season's highlights will include the German Mills Day (Deutscher Mühlentag) on 20 May, the Open-Air Museums Day (Tag der Freilichtmuseen) on 4 August and the Gutach Traditional Costumed Wedding Procession (Trachtenhochzeitszug) on 22 September.
 Munich - Old Town Hall Photographer: Christl Reiter
Hamburger Dom
22. March - 21. April 2002
The biggest public festival in northern Germany on the Heiligengeistfeld
Oktoberfest - Munich October
The world's largest beer-party draws visitors from around the globe. The festival is the biggest public festival in the world and will be held for the 169th time in the year 2002.
 Munich - Octoberfest
Photographer: Christl Reiter
The Stuttgart Beer Festival
September - October
Today it is one of the largest and most enchanting beer festivals in the world, visited by millions of people. Traditional brass bands keep everyone’s spirits high, and delicious Swabian specialities are served.
info line:+49(0)711/2228-269.
DWT / Foto Strehlow
Street Music Festival on the ‘Ring’ - Cologne August
Open-air festivals
The world’s biggest open-air music festival with 10 live music stages on the ‘Rings’ in Cologne, featuring rock, pop, and jazz music.
The German Alpine Route
Originally one of the oldest German tourist routes, it runs along the foothills of the Alps between Lindau on Lake Constance and Berchtesgaden on the Koenigsee. It reveals along 450 km. all the beauty of the countyside with it's rural farmer villages, 21 picturesque lakes, 64 renowned spa towns, 25 awe inspiring fortresses and castles as well as the unique richness of culture and nature at the edge of the Allguer and the Bavarian Alps. cycle enthusiasts, fans of fun sports and winter sports et.. culture and wellness will all get their money's worth here as do ramblers.
 Berlin Berlin Tourist Boad
The route of emperors and kings
This stretches from the main metropolis Frankfurt via Vienna to Budapest, a route which captures a piece of European history and tradition. Over 1,100 km. we are taken back in time to the Middle Ages, when kings and emperors travelled through the country accompanied by their huge entourage. discover culture in monasteries, palaces and castles, medieval towns and magnificent residences enjoying some of the most beautiful countryside that Germany, Austria and Hungary have to offer.
Alster Fair, Hamburg
The largest summer festival in Hamburg is the Alster-Vergnügen, which takes place from August 30 through September 2, 2002. Featuring everything from street theatre to music and art on the waterfront in Hamburg, the ‘Venice of the North’ is a magnificent host for this upbeat, exciting festival.
Tourist Board
Music in Bavaria
Summer 2002
"Ludwig II" - Experience the fairy tale of King Ludwig II. Set at the base of his famous Neuschwanstein Castle in Fussen, the Musical Theatre Neuschwanstein brings to life, for the first time, the story of this magical character.
We offer scheduled, round trip transfers by luxury coach from Munich to Füssen, and a ticket to this beautiful musical extravaganza.
Enjoy world famous operas in July of 2002, in Munich.
Celebrate the "Festival Mitte Europa" in the summer of 2002, in Bavaria.
Tourist Board
Saxony Festival Spring and Summer 2002
Celebrate the 10th Jubilee of the "Festival Sandstein und Musik" set
in beautiful palaces, castles and gardens in the spring & summer of 2002.
Dedicated to "Aspiration & Valediction" The Dresden Music Festival
will enchant audiences, in the summer of 2002.